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Examining Beauty From The Inside Out

According to and the American Academy of Pediatrics, the school bus is a frequent place where bullying occurs. The child to adult number is unequal and the bus driver is occupied with driving.

I have my many memories of awkwardly slipping into the brown vinyl fabric seats and being immediately examined. What were they going to pick from today? My hair? My clothes? My shyness?

I sat as close to the window as I could wanting to disappear into the bus' walls. I did not trust my ability to stand up to them. However, one day a boy named Jim did. He told them to stop. And you know what? They did.

However, my internal bullying did not stop. There were too many negative thoughts running wild and outnumbered to positive ones. All the while I was busy driving my life just trying to get from Destination A to Destination B. Subsequently, I struggled with confidence and imposter syndrome for years.

Interestingly, I recently learned “confidence” comes from the Latin word “trust.” To trust myself on the school bus of my mind. To be a Jim who stands up to internal bullying and negative self-talk. We can plant flowers on our internal walls and discover our own beauty.

I recently met a friend named Heather who creates skincare products because she states she struggled with her appearance her whole life. She now has an incredible line that helps “celebrate” oneself instead of masking it. And she is BEAUTIFUL.

I no longer hide from the world and hibernate from kindness. It takes baby steps and now by age 40, I’m slowly coming out of my shell.

Let us see the beauty in everyone. Teach our kids about bullying and stand up to our own internal bullies.

In the words of Heather, “You Are Beautiful.”

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